Category: Uncategorized

  • Defending the Kotel

    Defending the Kotel

    There is perhaps no holy site in Israel that is more emblematic of the Jewish people’s bond with their religion than the Kosel. Ancient stones that have endured for millennia are a testament to the eternal link between the Jewish people and their Creator. It is no wonder that the Kosel is the repository of…

  • From Dr. Frager’s Desk: To Ensure Holocaust Memory

    From Dr. Frager’s Desk: To Ensure Holocaust Memory

    The Anti-Semitic Terrorist hostage taking ordeal that occurred in Colleyville, Texas brought to the surface once again bitter memories of the Holocaust. Jews being singled out simply because they were Jews. Anti-Semitism raising its ugly head again for all to see. On January 20th, eighty years ago the Wannsee Conference took place on the outskirts…

  • From Dr. Frager’s Desk: Terrorists Target The Shul

    From Dr. Frager’s Desk: Terrorists Target The Shul

    The Jews have always been a lightning rod for the world’s ills perceived or otherwise. The more Anti-Semitic acts occur, the more politicians should be concerned about their ability to govern. Terrorism abounds when society weakens. The latest anti-Semitic terrorist incident in Colleyville, Texas highlights the trend by the depraved of the world to target…

  • From Dr. Frager’s Desk: America Must Re-Learn the 7 Noahide Laws

    From Dr. Frager’s Desk: America Must Re-Learn the 7 Noahide Laws

    When Covid struck the United States I thought it would be a unifying force. I naively reasoned that the pandemic would bring people together. I believed that the bitter polarization that began with the crash of the stock market in 2007-2008 would finally end. I was wrong. Covid has caused a further rupture in society.…

  • From Dr. Frager’s Desk: Kotel Quarrels

    From Dr. Frager’s Desk: Kotel Quarrels

    The Western Wall, which according to some, was left standing by Titus to be a constant painful reminder of his triumph over the Jews and Jerusalem in 70CE, has once again made headlines. Jews have prayed at the Western Wall for 2000 years. It has been one of our greatest dreams and goals for two…

  • From Dr. Frager’s Desk: The Divorce Crisis

    From Dr. Frager’s Desk: The Divorce Crisis

    The divorce rate in the United States is close to 50%. Interestingly, during the 2020 Covid Pandemic year, rates actually declined to the lowest levels in 50 years. Divorce is a tragedy for all-most of all the children of divorce. It is most unhealthy for the children but all suffer. In Peggy Noonan’s opinion piece…

  • The Holocaust Survivor and Dr. Frager

    The Holocaust Survivor and Dr. Frager

    Last summer, at renowned Manhattan steakhouse Mike’s Bistro, Dr. Joseph Frager convened a special dinner honoring Jerry Wartski, a Holocaust survivor. Mr. Wartski, born in Lodz, Poland, nearly lost his life on account of being Jewish following the German occupation of Poland and the ensuing Holocaust. Mr. Wartski survived the both Lodz Ghetto and the…

  • In The Footsteps Of The Maccabees – Chanukah 2021/5782

    In The Footsteps Of The Maccabees – Chanukah 2021/5782

    Each 25 Kislev commemorates the victory of the Maccabees against the Seleucid Greeks and the Hellenistic ideology they sought to foist upon the Jewish Nation. The ultimate miracle of Chanukah was the successful ignition of the Holy Temple’s menorah for eight nights rather than the one night for which its oil supply was projected to…

  • From Dr. Frager’s Desk: The Shidduch Crisis

    From Dr. Frager’s Desk: The Shidduch Crisis

    Last week I addressed the cataclysmic problem of assimilation and intermarriage in the Jewish community. Not enough can be said about the devastating and insidious scourge that has decimated American Jewry. This week I try to tackle the next non-military crisis facing the Jewish People. Although assimilation is much more of a severe existential threat,…

  • From Dr. Frager’s Desk: Assimilation is Killing the Jewish People

    From Dr. Frager’s Desk: Assimilation is Killing the Jewish People

    Jews have always been at the forefront of progressive ideas. This has made for a creative and dynamic people. Unfortunately, it has also led to increasing rates of assimilation and intermarriage. According to the Pew Research Study of 2020 only 34% of US Jews said it was very important that their grandchildren are Jewish. With…