Category: Uncategorized
When Lip Service Is Lethal
Last Monday, January 27, marked the fourth time in two years that I attended an event at the United Nations commemorating murdered Jews. Two events memorialized Holocaust victims on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and two events remembered the victims of October 7. Speaking at the Holocaust Remembrance commemoration in front of the UN exhibition, “Auschwitz,…
Our Gratitude to President Trump
To our esteemed President Trump, From the depths of our hearts, we express our most sincere and profound gratitude for your unwavering support of Israel. Your unshakeable commitment to truthfulness, honesty, and leadership has sent shockwaves of hope and inspiration globally, touching the lives of millions. Your remarkable hospitality towards Prime Minister Netanyahu and your…
Why Is Now The Right Time to Make A Deal with Hamas?
There has been an enormous, misleading perception concerning Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to agree to the latest blackmail, extortion hostage agreement with Hamas. For those who have criticized the prime minister for waiting until now to sign a deal with Hamas, the fact is that if Netanyahu had agreed to its prior terms,…
It’s Time to Put The Blame Where It Belongs
Immediately after it became known that Hamas took 251 hostages in the course of their terrorist assault in southern Israel on Oct. 7, 2023, the United States called for their unconditional release. In November, Israel agreed to a deal with Hamas in which more than 100 hostages were released in a three-to-one exchange for terrorists who…
Huckabee Tells Jews to Take Antisemitism “As a Badge of Honor
There is a famous Yiddish saying, “Der dreydl dreyt zikh”, which literally translates into “the dreidel turns”. It is an age-old and apt adage, especially now, for the alternating rise and fall of people’s fortunes. There can be no better illustration of this than President Trump’s triumph over his political nemeses in Washington, the media,…
Enforce The Anti-Terrorism Act And End Hamasnik Campus Uprisings
In the days following the appalling atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7, 2023, there was a symbiotic virtual uprising that occurred on many US college campuses in support of Hamas and its goals. The basic playbook followed was reportedly developed by sponsors and affiliates of Hamas. It included intimidation and harassment of Jews and…
Whose Life Is Worth Living?
Lexis Roberts was 12-years-old when Thomas Sanders shot her four times and cut her throat, four days after he murdered her mother on a road trip near the Grand Canyon. The cold-blooded murderer was on federal death row until President Biden commuted his sentence two weeks ago. Sanders was one of 37 out of 40…
Personalizing The Power of Prayer
I once bought myself a mug with the inscription “Prayer Changes Things.” It is still my favorite mug, despite a slight chip on top from several years of use. It is a daily reminder that, indeed, prayer changes things. I have learned that prayer also changes. At least mine has over the years. From the…
Take Note Turkish Pres. Erdogan – Jerusalem Doesn’t Belong To You
Turkish President Recep Erdogan has implied a number of times since 2020 that Jerusalem belongs to Turkey. Most recently, on December 22, 2024, in response to the loud chants of “Mr. President, take us to Jerusalem” from a crowd of young people at a speech he gave in Mardin, Turkey, he shockingly responded, “Patience brings…
Chanukah – A Celebration of Religious Liberty
The Jewish holiday of Chanukah is an annual eight-day celebration of religious liberty and freedom from oppression. It centers on the lighting of the Chanukah menorah as a means of publicizing the miracle of the oil, which the Talmud explains is the basis for the holiday of Chanukah. The ancient Greeks had occupied the Second…